All bookers and promotors do work on a honorary capacity, which means that they are not present at the office permanently. Please note that the managing team of the Cairo is not involved in booking bands, theaters or other events. Please do NOT send any applications to the Cairo office. If you want to perform at the Cairo, please get in contact with one of our booking groups. If they are interested in promoting a show they will respond to application. Please further note that we cannot send back promomaterial that is send to us without asking for it.
About us:
The Cairo offers events and different cultural & education programms. Under the guidance of a team of professionals, the volunteers receive a perfect framework in which they can organise concerts, readings, theater or cinematic nights on a professional basis. The decisions, concerning which events are to be promoted at the Cairo, are exclusively made by our volunteers and their groups they are working in. Although mainly bands rooted in our region do perform here, more and more foreign and international successful bands find their way to the Cairo.
We also offer two different workshops in extra rooms: a photolaboratory and a pottery, which can be used after a professional introduction. The same concept as mentioned above is transferred to our students theatergroups, who decide on their own which theater they´d like to play next; once again the cairo team reduces its influence to organisational support. Other rooms of the Cairo are provided for dancing, theater and sports. Three stages were built to give space for rehearsings and performances.
One of the biggest events at the Cairo is the Improvisationtheater-Festival, which celebrates ist 10th anniversary in 2011. On four days over 100 attendants from all over Europe participate in one or more of those classes that are offered on the whole weekend; in the evening there are several theater performances on different stages that are arranged all over our little cosy town Würzburg.
The Cairo plays an active role in organising the Umsonst und Draussen Festival in Würzburg, which is one of the biggest open-air-festivals in southern germany, as well as it supports the international movie-weekend.
Jugendkulturhaus Cairo
Fred-Joseph-Platz 3
(formely Burkarderstrasse 44)
97082 Würzburg
phone: 0049 (0)931 - 416933
mail to: infoATcairo.wue.de
Opening hours (no event):
Office and Workshops: Mo – Thu: 15 – 21 o´clock (extended for events), Fri (in case for an event): from 16 o´clock onwards, Sa and Sun: closed
Opening hours (events):
Mo-Wed: normally from 20 – 23 o´clock, Thu – Sat: 20 – 24 o´clock, Sun: closed
Please note: Some classes take place outside the usual opening hours!!
By Car (Please note, there is little parking space in front of the Cairo):
A3, approaching from Frankfurt / Main
Exit ramp “Heidingsfeld”
Left bound B19 towards Würzburg
Right bound, Second exit towards „Talavera“
Alongside the Main, right bound towards the Inner City (Mergentheimer Street) aligning right towards Talavera. Further straight towards the Burkarderstreet aligning on the left track
Turn left right after you pass the subway = Youthhostel and Youthcentre Cairo
Please Note: The Cairo got a new address: Fred-Joseph-Platz 3; Due to this, there might be some problems for navigation systems to find the new address. For this case, please do enter our old address „Burkarderstrasse 44“.
A81, approaching from Heilbronn
Turn left at the motorway junction Würzburg West and follow the A3 towards Würzburg/ Nürnberg, from there on, follow same way as mentioned above
A3, approaching from Nürnberg
Exit ramp Heidingsfeld
Right bound B19 towards Würzburg, from there on, follow the same way as mentioned above
A3, right bound towards Frankfurt
Exit ramp Heidingsfeld
from there on, follow the same way as mentioned above
A7, approaching from Kassel or Ulm:
From both directions, drive straight until you reach the motorway junction “Biebelrieder Kreuz
By train:
Mainstation Würzburg
Tram, Line 5 (towards Rottenbauer) or Line 3 (towards Heuchelhof)
Railstation Löwenbrücke
Follow the road signs to the Youth Hostel (Jugendherberge) Haltestelle Löwenbrücke
Up to 100 people are working at the Cairo, some are professionals, working full time, some are just working once a month.
Full Time Professional are:
Madlen Will, Certified Social Pedagogue & Arts and Media Management (M.A.)
Petra Irmscher, Certified Social Pedagogue
They manage the house together with Interns, Course Instructors, Local Promoters, Barkeepers, Theatergroups and the Booster Club!